Наконец пришла весна, зеленеет травка. Я упал с тебя сосна - вот об этом справка. _______________ "Cas lives in my ass" © Dean Winchester
I loved you once. My love for you, it may be,
Within this heart of mine is still aglow;
But let it not concern you any longer;
I would not have it pain you anymore.
I loved you once – so hopelessly, in silence,
By shyness now, then jealousy beset.
My love for you has been so true, so tender,
As God may grant, another’s may prove yet.
Within this heart of mine is still aglow;
But let it not concern you any longer;
I would not have it pain you anymore.
I loved you once – so hopelessly, in silence,
By shyness now, then jealousy beset.
My love for you has been so true, so tender,
As God may grant, another’s may prove yet.
A. S. Pushkin